Katie Weatherston's Motivational Speaking - What people are saying skip to content

Super Presentation

Posted by Sencia Administrator on 2/2/2012 1:31:57 PM

Katie was sensational; she kept our students interested by explaining to them exactly what it takes to reach ones full potential. How to set goals and achieve them. A very valuable message in this day and age - of how to overcome adversity and how to develop solid character. A great big THANK YOU ! 

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your great

Posted by Sencia Administrator on 2/20/2012 2:23:22 PM

your great

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Talking at Colbrook Elementry School Feb 23 2012

Posted by Sencia Administrator on 2/24/2012 12:01:24 AM

Thank You Katie for the enlightening words to the kids at our school. You truely were inspirational. Its what we need more of. To Inspire the masses so they feel good. When people feel good ,good things are happening the whole world feels good. Inspire, uplift, motivate  move toward action. Keep up the Good work.

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Colebrook Elementary School

Posted by Sencia Administrator on 2/27/2012 7:18:38 PM

Katie, I'm so glad that I was volunteering at my sons' school the day you were there.  Not only was I grateful to see the schools interest in having you attend and speak to the kids, I was also thankful that I was there to soak up what you had to say.  I loved the SMART goals you shared as well as the honesty and opennes of your words.  It really helps when kids (and adults) can relate to someone on, not just an experiential level, but an emotional level.  That's where connections happen and the story and lesson stick.  All the best! 

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St. Matthew CHS

Posted by Sencia Administrator on 1/30/2014 10:06:16 AM

Katie Weatherston presented to our grade 7&8 students January 2014.  The content of her presentation was a perfect lead up to the Olympics.  Her presentation contained excellent information about her journey in Hockey, Setting short and Long term Smart Goals,  the qualities and character traits that herself and the woman’s Olympic team focused on to achieve their goal of winning an Olympic gold medal.  She gave example of how to celebrate team success and deal with personal challenges and adversity.  Her presentation had a great message and supporting media and video to enhance the student’s experience.  Students got to ask questions and see her various medals from the Olympics and world championships.  I would definitely book her again since it was such a wonderful experience.

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Great Keynote Speaker!

Posted by Sencia Administrator on 7/17/2015 5:29:51 PM

Katie was one of the keynote speakers at the Staal Open RBC Executive Women’s Day in Thunder Bay in July 2015. While it’s obvious that Olympic athletes must set goals and go after them with a rock solid determination...with the adversities Katie faced throughout her hockey career it is amazing she fulfilled her dreams of making the Canadian Olympic Women’s Hockey Team! Her talk hit on every emotion. It was funny, sad, shocking, very entertaining, and she spoke from the heart. The messages learned were very inspiring and can easily be taken from the hockey rink to the business boardroom or to life in general.

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What people are saying

"Katie did an excellent job reaching the students with a very important "how to" lesson about goal setting for life. Her presentation was excellent for students and for adults, too. I am sure her message would benefit all teachers and professionals in general, as well as kids."

- From a Teacher: Assumption Catholic School, Ottawa, ON

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